
2025-01-10. Implementing a very simple Winbond W9825G6KH SDRAM controller on a Lakritz ECP5 FPGA board#

This note is half-code, half-comments around this code, same as the DDMI note.

This is the simplest, slowest possible but yet functional implementation of an SDR SDRAM controller, based completely off of the chip’s datasheet.

Note that the code is 0BSD licensed, meaning anyone is free to do whatever they want with this. I hope it can be helpful as an example for people learning FPGA programming (like I am).

Writeups do exist on the Internet about this topic, but I wished they explained more of “how do you know that” and “how can I verify that”, not only “how do you do it”.

I am only learning the basics of Verilog. Please email me if you would like to tell me I have something wrong from the Verilog or SDRAM point of view.

SDRAM stands for “synchronous dynamic random-access memory”.#

A synchronous DRAM communicates in accordance with a clock signal supplied from the outside. A counterpart is an asynchronous DRAM, it does not take in a clock signal, but requires all operations to follow strict timing requirements still.

A dynamic RAM is a RAM that needs to be refreshed periodically or the data stored in it will deteriorate. A counterpart from that perspective is SRAM; being static, it does not need to be refreshed, but it will still lose the data when powered off.

“SDRAM” as a term includes single data rate (SDR) and double data rate (DDR) SDRAMs. DDR SDRAMs transfer data at twice the speed of the clock (basically both on rising and falling edges of the clock), and SDR SDRAMs transfer data only once per clock cycle.

W9825G6KH-6 is a 4M x 4 banks x 16 SDR SDRAM in a TSOP-II-54 package, containing 32 megabytes.


The following implementation is based on the datasheet for Winbond W9825G6KH. It is a good datasheet, describes almost all you need to know if you never worked with SDRAMs. I recommend starting with the command list truth table in section 8.

What I did not know when I started is that all modern SDRAM chips function the same; if something in the datasheet isn’t clear it is still possible to look up “how generic SDRAM works”.

Of course it could not be a coincidence; a JEDEC standard exists that covers how SDR SDRAMs should operate and even what pinouts should be used.

(They also have standards about DDR SDRAMs, since they are the developers of those very DDR5 and LPDDR and such standards that are used for more widely applied memories nowadays)

The standard is called JESD21-C and its contents are available for free download for those registered (also for free) on the JEDEC website. The contents are spread across multiple PDF downloads, one should start with the table of contents (linked on the aforementioned page) and then choose the appropriate pieces for further examination.

For example, the pinout for this particular part is described in JESD21-C part “Word Wide SDRAM” (SDRAM3.11.4) (this DRAM operates in 16-bit “words”, so this is a “word wide SDRAM”), figure “8M, 16M, 32M, & 64M X 16 SDRAM IN TSOP2” (4M words times 4 banks is 16M).

SDRAM3.11.5.1 “General SDRAM Functions” covers:

So it is nice to use if the chip datasheet is not giving enough clarity.

CAS Latency#

My SDRAM model is W9825G6KH-6. It supports 133MHz/CL2 and 166MHz/CL3 “speed grades”.

I couldn’t find a good reference or standard clarifying where these speed grades come from, so the table 9.5 “AC Characteristics and Operating Condition” helped.

Apparently these CL2 and CL3 markings denote the chosen, or available, “CAS Latency”.

“CAS” stands for “column address strobe”.

As I understand from searching around on the Internet: when reading from a DRAM, usually, first the row part of the address is sent to the DRAM, then the column part of the address, and finally the requested data comes back from the DRAM.

And apparently not too long ago asynchronous DRAMs were more popular, which used strobe signals to denote “please read the row address now”, “please read the column address now”, called “row address strobe” and “column address strobe”, — RAS and CAS. “Column address strobe latency” then meant “the time inteval between sending the column address strobe and receiving the read data”.

There are no strobes in our DRAM, because it is a synchronous one, it uses a clock instead of strobes. But the names “RAS”, “CAS”, and “CAS Latency” stuck from the older times.

So in our SDRAM CAS latency refers to the time in clock cycles between sending the actual read/write commands and the data appearing on the DQ lines.

More formally, by the datasheet, this CAS Latency affects these three things:

The most important spot is not visible in the table with all the nanoseconds but rather in the waveform 10.2 “Read Timing” again. CAS Latency set to 2 or 3 defines if the data we read from the SDRAM will arrive 2 or 3 clock cycles after the request has been sent.

t_CK, more precisely the minimum t_CK, is affected. The timing table says that for CL2 one clock cycle can not be faster than 7.5 nS, and for CL3 one clock cycle can not be faster than 6 nS. This is just another way of saying “you can set CAS Latency to 2 only if you are running at 133 MHz or slower, and you may run at 166 MHz but only with CAS Latency of 3”.

t_HZ and t_AC, which I do not care about in my implementation because I run everything so slowly they don’t matter, denote the time it takes for the DRAM to disconnect itself from the DQ lines after the raising clock edge for the last data-out of the burst read and the time it takes for the DRAM to start supplying valid data-out after the raising clock edge of the clock cycle before the one where one would expect to read the data. Check waveform 10.2 “Read Timing” to see what this is about.

FPGA pin configuration#

For the .lpf file I again looked at the schematics for the board. The .lpf file turned out to be quite long, full of entries identical to these:

LOCATE COMP "dram_clk"    SITE "F16";
LOCATE COMP "dram_cas"    SITE "K16";
LOCATE COMP "dram_cke"    SITE "F15";
# ...

# SDRAM is TTL levels, not CMOS
IOBUF  PORT "dram_clk"    IO_TYPE=LVTTL33;
IOBUF  PORT "dram_cas"    IO_TYPE=LVTTL33;
IOBUF  PORT "dram_cke"    IO_TYPE=LVTTL33;
# ...

The first page of the datasheet says it is 3.3V, LVTTL, so not LVCMOS.

I tried to run the SDRAM at 166 MHz but failed timing, so I am running it at my board’s clock rate (48 MHz); it makes things easier because I don’t need to cross clock domains.

It is fine to run the SDRAM slower than what the speed grade says; the 9.5 characteristics table in the datasheet does specify that the cycle time can be as long as 1000 nS (that is just 1 MHz). (I heard that is not a given for DDR SDRAMs)

One clock cycle would be around ~21 nS (48 MHz = 20.83(3)nS).

I set the SDRAM mode to “CL2” (CAS Latency = 2) because my slow clock allows for it.

SDRAM pins#

Described in short in “5. Pin description”, also useful to look at the command list truth table in “8. Operation mode”.

CLK — clock input. Just the system clock in my case.

CKE — clock enable, set to 1 to work with the DRAM and set to 0 for power down or suspend modes. Looking at the command list, it seems OK to always hold CKE high for a simple implementation. Any “low” states there relate to “pause” states (Clock Suspend, Power Down, and Self-refresh). So I always set it to 1.

CS — chip select, it is inverted; usually set to 0, but set to 1 when inputs need to be ignored. Same as giving a NOP command. And we send a lot of NOPs while waiting, for example, for a read operation to finish.

WE — write enable, it is inverted; for read/write commands it is 1 to read, 0 to write. It also has meaning in other commands; distinguishes “bank activate” vs “bank/all precharge” commands, distinguishes “mode register set” vs “auto-refresh” commands.

CAS — column address strobe, RAS — row address strobe. These two are just documented as “command input”. For asynchronous RAM, these pins should actually be strobed to load in a column or a row part of the address. But for SDRAM these pins are only used in the command decoder, and they are not actually strobes.

LDQM — lower data (DQ) mask, UDQM — upper data (DQ) mask. Usually 0; set to 1 to not write certain bits when performing write operations, or to return Z for certain bits when performing read operations. Wikipedia snippet: “There is one DQM line per 8 bits”. This chip’s word is 16 bits long, that’s probably why there are two DQMs in this chip. I always set these to 0, except for the first 200us initialization pause, where it is required to be set to 1.

BS — bank select, for read/write, bank activation, and bank precharge. There are four banks, hence, two BS pins. They must also be set to 0 during Mode Register Set (reserved pins).

A — address, used for:

DQ — data, input and output, the only pins that we ever read from the chip. They are just that, data, 16 bits of it. The “DQ buffer” inside the SDRAM is the one and only one that takes in the LDQM and UDQM signals.

Talking to the DRAM module#

module sdram (
    input clk_48,
    output dram_clk,
    output dram_cke,
    output reg dram_cs,
    output reg dram_we,
    output reg dram_cas,
    output reg dram_ras,
    output reg dram_ldqm,
    output reg dram_udqm,
    output reg [1:0] dram_bs,
    output reg [12:0] dram_a,
    inout [15:0] dram_dq,

    input [40:0] fifo_to_dram_data,
    output fifo_to_dram_read_flag,
    input fifo_to_dram_empty_flag,
    output [40:0] fifo_from_dram_data,
    output fifo_from_dram_write_flag,
    input fifo_from_dram_full_flag
    assign dram_clk = clk_48;
    assign dram_cke = 1;

dram_dq is an inout pin vector, because sometimes we write to it and sometimes we read from it. Inout pins are difficult to handle; when we want to read from them, we need to assign Z to them to stop writing to them.

A separate register, and a flag “are we reading or writing” are needed.

    reg dram_dq_assign = 0;
    reg [15:0] dram_dq_reg = 0;
    assign dram_dq = (dram_dq_assign) ? dram_dq_reg : {16{1'bz}};

I use two FIFOs for communicating with the DRAM; one for requests (“to_dram”), and one for responses (“from_dram”). They are both of width 41 for consistency.

I assigned the bits like this in both the FIFOs:

Address is never sent from the DRAM, only to the DRAM.

A typical FIFO has an “empty” flag, a “full” flag, a “read” pin and a “write” pin, as well as “data for reading” and “data to write” lanes.

This module takes in the “reading half” of one FIFO and the “writing half” of another FIFO.

    // Splitting up the requests we get from the "to_dram" FIFO
    wire in_write_request = fifo_to_dram_data[40];
    wire [1:0] in_bank = fifo_to_dram_data[39:38];
    wire [12:0] in_row = fifo_to_dram_data[37:25];
    wire [8:0] in_column = fifo_to_dram_data[24:16];
    wire [15:0] in_data = fifo_to_dram_data[15:0];

    // Send the data back to the "from_dram" FIFO
    assign fifo_from_dram_data = {25'b0, dram_dq_reg};

    // These guys let the FIFOs know that an item is to be popped or to be pushed
    reg fifo_to_dram_read_flag_reg = 0;
    reg fifo_from_dram_write_flag_reg = 0;
    assign fifo_to_dram_read_flag = fifo_to_dram_read_flag_reg;
    assign fifo_from_dram_write_flag = fifo_from_dram_write_flag_reg;

State machine#

I will start with an overview of the states that I use, followed by an implementation and description of each.

    // State machine states:
    // 0 -- Initial 200uS pause
    // 1 -- Initial precharge
    // 2 -- Mode Register Set command
    // 3 -- Initial eight Auto Refresh Cycles
    // 4 -- Idle
    // 5 -- Bank Activat1e
    // 6 -- Read/Write
    // 7 -- Auto Refresh
    reg [3:0] state = 0;

The machine starts at state 0. Allowed states transitions:

I also need to keep count of two things.

First, oftentimes the diagrams request to wait for several clock cycles or nanoseconds after a certain operation has been performed, to give the DRAM the time it needs to do its things. I stay in the same state while waiting for the requested periods, before transitioning into the next state.

    reg [15:0] pause_counter = 0;

Second, as DRAMs need to be refreshed periodically, I keep a separate counter for that.

    reg [10:0] auto_refresh_counter = 0;

One final note before we go to the state machine itself; I run this logic on negedge of the clock.

I should just run it on posedge of the clock, but send a negated clock to the SDRAM. But it is done now.

The SDRAM samples all the inputs on posedge of the clock, and wants the inputs to be stable some time before and some time after the positive clock edge.

So it is a good idea (I think) to set everything up half a clock cycle in advance to meet the SDRAM’s requirements (see the timing waveforms, chapter 10 of the datasheet).

But, same goes the other way around. When the SDRAM sends us data, it wants us to sample it on posedge of the clock.

It means that the majority of the logic in the module runs on negedge except for the small block that reads from the DRAM on posedge.

For that, one more register, dram_dq_read_reg, is used.

    reg [15:0] dram_dq_read_reg = 0;

    always @(negedge clk_48) begin

Initialization procedure#

This procedure is described well in the beginning of the document, section 7 “Functional description”, but lacks timing charts or waveforms to verify yourself with.

“After power up, an initial pause of 200 uS is required”. DQM and CKE must be held high during the initial pause period “to prevent data contention on the DQ bus”.

We must not forget to set the DQM pins to 0 after this. My simple module does not use data masks.

200 uS = 200_000 nS = 9_601 clock cycle for me, I wait a bit more.

I use the pause_counter here to count.

        if (state == 0) begin
            dram_ldqm <= 1;
            dram_udqm <= 1;

            // The NOP command
            dram_cs <= 1;

            if (pause_counter == 9610) begin // 200uS + some bits more
                state <= state + 1;
                pause_counter <= 0;
            end else begin
                pause_counter <= pause_counter + 1;

“an initial pause … followed by a precharge of all banks using the precharge command”.

It is not clear, but from the diagram 11.11 “Auto Refresh Cycle” I take that t_RP (Precharge to Active Command Period) must pass after the precharge command.

15 nS = 1 clock cycle, means no NOP cycles are needed here for me, but you might need them. All it affects is that I don’t have to use a pause_counter in this state like in state 0.

        if (state == 1) begin
            // All Banks Precharge command
            dram_a[10] <= 1;
            dram_ras <= 0;
            dram_cas <= 1;
            dram_we <= 0;
            dram_cs <= 0;

            // Don't forget to unset DQM to allow read/write
            // after the initial pause
            dram_ldqm <= 0;
            dram_udqm <= 0;

            // Move on to the next state, no wait needed
            state <= state + 1;
            pause_counter <= 0;

“After initial power up, the Mode Register Set Command must be issued for proper device operation”.

Diagram 10.4 “Mode Register Set Cycle” says what to assign and to what pins (it is only described in the diagram).

What I set in the mode register:

I use burst length 1 for simplicity. I could use a longer burst length. That would give me 2, 4, or 8 words per read/write operation instead of just 1.

It seems to be possible to only do reads in burst mode, but still do writes in single mode, togglable with A[9].

Interleaved addressing mode is not discussed in much detail in the datasheet. I think it is only relevant when burst length is more than 1? I am not using it.


“A new command may be issued following the mode register set command once a delay equal to t_RSC has elapsed”. t_RSC is directly listed as 2 clock cycles in the timings table.

The same diagram for Mode Register Set shows that these 2 clock cycles can be interpreted as “one clock cycle of sending the command, and one clock cycle of waiting”.

        if (state == 2) begin
            if (pause_counter == 0) begin
                // Mode Register Set
                dram_ras <= 0;
                dram_cas <= 0;
                dram_we <= 0;
                dram_cs <= 0;
                dram_a[2:0] <= 3'b000; // burst length = 1
                dram_a[3] <= 0; // sequential, not interleaved
                dram_a[6:4] <= 3'b010; // CAS latency = 2
                dram_a[8:7] <= 2'b00; // reserved
                dram_a[9] <= 0; // burst read, burst write mode, doesn't matter
                dram_a[12:10] <= 3'b000; // reserved
                dram_bs <= 2'b00; // reserved
            end else begin
                // The NOP command
                dram_cs <= 1;

            if (pause_counter == 1) begin // t_RSC
                state <= state + 1;
                pause_counter <= 0;
            end else begin
                pause_counter <= pause_counter + 1;

“An additional eight Auto Refresh cycles (CBR) are also required before or after programming the Mode Register to ensure proper subsequent operation.”

I use the diagram 11.11 “Auto Refresh Cycle” again.

Eight commands that are t_RC (60 nS = 3 clock cycles for me) apart.

I split the pause_counter in two parts here.

        if (state == 3) begin
            // pause_counter[7:4] counts the "8 refresh cycles" part
            // pause_counter[3:0] counts the "3 clock cycles apart" part
            if (pause_counter[3:0] == 0) begin
                // Auto Refresh command
                dram_ras <= 0;
                dram_cas <= 0;
                dram_we <= 1;
                dram_cs <= 0;
            end else begin
                // The NOP command
                dram_cs <= 1;

            // 0110 = 6 because it is only incremented when a cycle is done and
            // the stop condition is, the 6 is ready to be incremented to 7.
            // 0010 = 2 because it goes 0-1-2-0-1-2.
            // I am sorry for this confusing counting. Simulate your designs!
            if (pause_counter[7:0] == 8'b0110_0010) begin // 8 times 3
                state <= state + 1;
                pause_counter <= 0;
            end else if (pause_counter[3:0] == 2) begin
                pause_counter[3:0] <= 0;
                pause_counter[7:4] <= pause_counter[7:4] + 1;
            end else begin
                pause_counter[3:0] <= pause_counter[3:0] + 1;

Initialization done.


Idle state#

Keep checking if a new request came in the “to_dram” FIFO, but only if the “from_dram” FIFO isn’t full, so that there is space to place the response in.

This is also the state where the auto_refresh_counter is checked to decide if we want to do some reading/writing or if we want to refresh the DRAM instead.

        if (state == 4) begin
            // The NOP command
            dram_cs <= 1;

            // Jump into the Auto-refresh state, discussed below
            if (auto_refresh_counter > 350) begin
                state <= 7;
                pause_counter <= 0;

            // A read or write request arrived,
            // and there is space in the output FIFO for us to write to
            end else if (!fifo_to_dram_empty_flag && !fifo_from_dram_full_flag) begin
                state <= state + 1;
                pause_counter <= 0;

            // Clean these up from reading/writing (state 6),
            // we push to the output FIFO and pop from the input FIFO there,
            // so stop pushing / popping.
            fifo_from_dram_write_flag_reg = 0;
            fifo_to_dram_read_flag_reg = 0;


The DRAM needs to be allocated some time to re-apply electricity to the internal capacitors to store the bits. That’s what the Auto-Refresh cycles do.

The characteristics table states “Refresh Time (8K Refresh Cycles)” is 64 mS. The document does not clarify that, but it apparently means that 8192 refresh cycles are needed every 64 mS (3047619 clock cycles) They specify 8192 because that’s 2^13 = number of rows in every bank! (row is specified with pins A0-A12, that’s 13 pins…)

This does not really mean that an auto-refresh is needed every 372 cycles, but that is one way to implement it. What matters is that every cell can hold its charge for 64 mS, and that there are 8192 rows that all need recharging.

I am doing it the simple 372-cycle way though. As could be seen in state 4, the jump to this Auto-Refresh state is done when 350 cycles have passed since the last Auto-Refresh (just something a bit smaller than 372).

Requirements from the datasheet:

That’s what I understand from the 11.11 timing diagram at least.

One only needs to run “an auto-refresh cycle” without specifying which row to refresh; the SDRAM remembers which row needs to be refreshed on a given cycle.

        if (state == 7) begin
            if (pause_counter == 0) begin
                // The Auto-refresh command
                dram_ras <= 0;
                dram_cas <= 0;
                dram_we <= 1;
                dram_cs <= 0;
            end else begin
                // The NOP command
                dram_cs <= 1;

            if (pause_counter == 2) begin // t_RC
                state <= 4;
                pause_counter <= 0;
            end else begin
                pause_counter <= pause_counter + 1;

Outside of all the states, I need to update the auto_refresh_counter.

        // On every clock cycle, increase the Auto-refresh counter
        auto_refresh_counter <= (state == 7 && pause_counter == 0) ? 0 : auto_refresh_counter + 1;

Bank activate#

“The Bank Activate command must be applied before any Read or Write operation can be executed”.

Reading and writing follows the sequence: Bank Activate -> Read/Write -> Bank Precharge.

Bank Activate “opens” a bank. Bank Precharge acts as “closing” a bank. There are four banks, for some reason they must be “opened” before use.

When a bank is “opened”, it is “opened” at a certain row as well. Reading or writing to a different row in the same bank requires the bank to be precharged and activated again.

It is possible to have more than one bank open at the same time! When reading or writing, the bank which is to be used for reading or writing is specified again. This allows for good optimizations that I do not do here.

A lot of read/write operations can be done between activating and precharging a bank. Since my implementation is the simpliest and the slowest one, I activate and close a bank for every word I read.

Some requirements from 7.3 “Bank Activate Command”:

Basically, because of how slow my clock is, and how I only use one bank at a time, I am never hitting these constraints. But you should be mindful of them if your clock is faster.

In general, I use timing diagrams 11.9 “Auto-precharge Read” and 11.10 “Auto-precharge Write”, because (spoiler alert) I use Auto-precharge to automatically close banks (more on that later).

        if (state == 5) begin
            // Bank Activate
            dram_ras <= 0;
            dram_cas <= 1;
            dram_we <= 1;
            dram_bs[1:0] <= in_bank;
            dram_a[12:0] <= in_row;
            dram_cs <= 0;

            state <= state + 1;
            pause_counter <= 0;

Read / Write#

“After a bank has been activated, a read or write cycle can be followed”.

First, on Auto-precharge:

Once a bank has been activated it must be precharged, or “closed”, before another Bank Activate command can be issued to the same bank (so before reading from a different row, for example).

Alternatively Auto-Precharge can be used. Auto-Precharge does Bank Precharge by itself somewhere near the end of a read/write operation. See 7.14 “Auto-precharge Command”.

I already always to open -> read/write -> close for every word. So use Auto-Precharge to “close” automatically, without the need for a separate state and a separate command.

Timing constraints from the datasheet:

By diagrams 11.9 “Auto-precharge Read” and 11.10 “Auto-precharge Write” having max(t_RC, t_RAS + t_RP) between successive bank activation operations should be fine. In my case max(t_RC, t_RAS + t_RP) = max(60nS, 57nS) = 60nS = 3 clock cycles.

If my clock had been faster, I would have had to wait for these 60nS, minus t_RCD that I had already spent in the Bank Activate state.

But my clock is so slow that this aligns perfectly. I spent one clock cycle between Bank Activate and the Read/Write command. After the Read command, I have to wait for CAS Latency amount of clock cycles to have the data appear on the DQ lines. My CAS Latency is, again, 2.

Anyway, what I do here is: emit the Read/Write command with Auto-precharge, wait for 2 clock cycles always, grab the data from the DQ lines if it was a read operation, flush the FIFOs, and then go back to the Idle state.

        if (state == 6) begin
            if (pause_counter == 0) begin
                // Read / Write commands
                dram_a[10] <= 1; // With auto-precharge
                dram_ras <= 1;
                dram_cas <= 0;
                dram_we <= ~in_write_request; // WE is negated!
                dram_bs[1:0] <= in_bank;
                dram_a[8:0] <= in_column;

                // Assign our data to the DQ lines if we are writing.
                if (in_write_request) dram_dq_reg <= in_data;
                dram_dq_assign <= in_write_request;

                dram_cs <= 0;
            end else begin
                // The NOP command
                dram_cs <= 1;

                // Let DQ float again
                // DQ _must_ be assigned to 'Z'
                // for us to be able to read anything
                dram_dq_assign <= 0;

            // Wait for t_RC - t_RCD or for the CAS latency.
            // In our case the CAS latency is longer because of
            // how slow the clock is.
            // Writing could be done faster, but it is simpler
            // to have one state handle reading and writing.
            if (pause_counter == 3) begin
                state <= 4;
                pause_counter <= 0;

                // Read, if we were reading.
                // dram_dq_read_reg is populated at posedge down below.
                dram_dq_reg <= dram_dq_read_reg;

                // Finally, flush the FIFOs
                fifo_from_dram_write_flag_reg = 1;
                fifo_to_dram_read_flag_reg = 1;
            end else begin
                pause_counter <= pause_counter + 1;

Reading continued#

This is the block that actually reads data from the DQ lines.

As I mentioned at the very top, all writes to the DRAM are done at negedge, but reads from the DRAM must be done at posedge.

This is the only thing we ever read from the DRAM.

    always @(posedge clk_48) begin
        if (state == 6) begin
            if (pause_counter == 3) begin
                // Read, if we were reading
                if (~in_write_request) dram_dq_read_reg <= dram_dq;


I simulated this design with iverilog first and compared it with the example waveforms.

On hardware I ran a simple test with “FIFOs” of depth 1 to check if the data is written and read back correctly. I caught some bugs this way, for example not inverting the WE pin and leaving DQM pins high.

A snippet of my top module for testing on hardware:

    // 0: writing to the dram
    // 1: reading the dram's OK response from the fifo
    // 2: reading from the dram
    // 3: reading the dram's data response from the fifo
    // 4: waiting state
    // 5: finished
    reg [2:0] state = 0;
    reg [23:0] address_to_rw = 0;
    reg [15:0] errors = 0;

    reg [43:0] counter = 0;

    // Blinky to show the FPGA is up
    assign LED = (state == 5) ? 1 : ((state == 4) ? counter[26] : ((state == 3) ? address_to_rw[21] : 0));

    // Display the DRAM test errors on a segment display
    assign segment_display_numbers = (state == 4) ? counter[31:24] : (errors[15:8] | errors[7:0]);

    always @(posedge CLK_48) begin
        if (state == 0) begin  // Write a word of test data to the DRAM
            responses_fifo_read_reg <= 0;
            if (!requests_fifo_full) begin
                requests_fifo_data_reg <= {1'b1, // write
                    address_to_rw, // bank -- 2 bits + address -- 13 + 9 bits
                    address_to_rw[15:0]}; // data to write -- 16 bits
                requests_fifo_write_reg <= 1;
                state <= 1;
            end else begin
                requests_fifo_write_reg <= 0;

        if (state == 1) begin  // Get a "the data was written" response from the DRAM
            requests_fifo_write_reg <= 0;
            if (responses_fifo_empty == 1'b0) begin
                responses_fifo_read_reg <= 1;
                if (address_to_rw == 24'hffffff) begin // Done writing
                    address_to_rw <= 0;
                    state <= 4;
                end else begin
                    address_to_rw <= address_to_rw + 1; // Write the next word
                    state <= 0;
            end else begin
                responses_fifo_read_reg <= 0;

        // Wait for a while to see if the data is persisted on the DRAM
        if (state == 4) begin
            counter <= counter + 1;
            requests_fifo_write_reg <= 0;
            responses_fifo_read_reg <= 0;
            if (counter[31:28] == 4'b1111) begin
                address_to_rw <= 0;
                state <= 2;

        if (state == 2) begin  // Read a word from the DRAM
            responses_fifo_read_reg <= 0;
            if (!requests_fifo_full) begin
                requests_fifo_data_reg <= {1'b0, // read
                    address_to_rw, // bank -- 2 bits + address -- 13 + 9 bits
                    {4{4'b0000}}}; // empty, we are reading
                requests_fifo_write_reg <= 1;
                state <= 3;
            end else begin
                requests_fifo_write_reg <= 0;

        if (state == 3) begin  // Get the data from the DRAM FIFO
            requests_fifo_write_reg <= 0;
            if (responses_fifo_empty == 1'b0) begin
                data_reg <= responses_fifo_data[15:0];
                responses_fifo_read_reg <= 1;
                if (address_to_rw == 24'hffffff) begin  // All read out
                    address_to_rw <= 0;
                    state <= 5;  // State machine finished
                end else begin
                    address_to_rw <= address_to_rw + 1;
                    state <= 2;

                // Expect to see the address written to the word
                // Accumulate all the errors into a register
                errors <= errors | (responses_fifo_data[15:0] ^ address_to_rw[15:0]);
            end else begin
                responses_fifo_read_reg <= 0;

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